We know we can’t speak for every parent, and we don’t want to. We’re working together to create a safe, welcoming and empowering space for ALL PARENTS to share THEIR STORIES. It’s important that us mums and dads can talk about ourselves, about our families, about our birth experiences, about our career… about anything and everything!
‘Ever since I wrote Happy Mum, Happy Baby, I’ve been hit with the understanding that the dialogue around parenthood should go so much further than ‘it’s amazing’. It’s a given that being able to bring life into the world really is a blooming miracle and something to marvel over, but with that also comes a whole load of other overwhelming challenges, achievements and moments that you probably hadn’t thought about before being chucked in the deep end.
Talking is so wonderful – for the person sharing, and the one listening. It’s empowering, unifying and uplifting. Talking can make a lonely, isolated, worried, overwhelmed, fretful, depleted mum feel like she’s got an army of other bedraggled mums in her corner who SEE her and HEAR her struggles – no matter how big or small.
I’m fed up of people feeling ashamed of their feelings, and struggling in silence! Gi. XXXX’
So we are opening up our platform to shine a light on parents who want to share their personal journey, give a message of support to the parenting community or just feel heard! Every parent’s experience is unique, but each story shared we hope will reach those that needed to hear that message most! So please, join us by sharing your story with us and help us to highlight the voices of ‘Us parens’ out there, with all the stories to tell the world.
If you’re a mum with a story we want to hear from you. If you’re a dad with a tale to tell, we want to hear from you too. Stories of all shapes and sizes are welcome. This year, we Will Talk!