Happy Mum Happy Baby is a community; building an honest narrative of parenthood from pre-pregnancy to birth and beyond.

A community to listen, comfort and learn together. We tell stories that really matter as we recognise there is no one way to parent. It’s a judgement free space to inspire and support all parents whether they are soon to be, new or old hats. We know that becoming a parent is life-changing – it’s brilliant and bewildering in equal measure; we encourage honesty, relatability, and reassurance throughout that early journey.

Happy Mum Happy Baby was born out of Giovanna Fletcher’s own experiences of motherhood.


“I became a mum back in 2014 and was hit with the overriding feeling of failure. I loved my baby but didn’t understand the feeling of guilt that crept up on me. I didn’t understand why life wasn’t constantly like all the pictures of mothers and babies I’d seen online. And I didn’t understand why I felt inept at something that was meant to feel so intuitive. I started sharing my thoughts. The more I did the more I realised it wasn’t just me feeling those things. Turns out everyone is just making it up as they go along and that they don’t have a clue either. I felt so relieved.”


Sharing the thoughts Gi had in her head not only helped her but gave encouragement and support for others to do it too. Those thoughts led to a book and, in turn, the Happy Mum Happy Baby podcast.


A place for us to listen in on conversations Gi has with guests who kindly share their many different journeys into parenthood.

Our work started online but we’re now in-person too!

You’ll often find Happy Mum Happy Baby hosting our virtual Meet-Up on YouTube, or on the road at our live events where you’ll be able to hear from a huge range of experts on all things from looking after your mental health to sleep solutions to how to handle the terrible twos.


As well as being a huge hub of content, we’re also a community of parents. We know we can’t speak for every parent – and we don’t want to. That’s why we launched our Will Talk series offering parents a unique space to tell their stories, no holds barred.


No longer are we just talking about the pretty bits we see on social media. This is about the beauty in the messy, vulnerable bits.

Want more Happy Mum Happy Baby?
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Listen to Happy Mum Happy Baby: The Podcast in all the usual places!

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