“I can sum up having twins in one word… Relentless
In the early hazy, sleep-deprived and bedraggled days, a colleague with twins advised that with the best will in the world, ignore all the advice from parents of singletons (babies very sensibly born one at a time) as they just have no idea what it’s like having two at once.
One can set the other off crying in stereo, the mum guilt of having to choose which one to pick up and soothe and which to leave looking reproachfully/shrieking at you is constant, and double tummy time? Argh!
I’ve yet to go out for a walk with the pram without comments from strangers who seem fascinated by my “double trouble” and at least once a day, even now they’re 14 weeks old, I’ll look at my buy-one-get-one-free babies and ask “why two?!”
Being a twin mum can a pretty lonely experience at times, it’s hard to find someone else who truly gets your daily struggles. You’re constantly told you’re lucky when actually it’s a huge challenge. But occasionally, when you do get it right, you feel like an absolute superhero.” – @Lau_etheridge
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