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Why did I need counselling? | @bookmumstheword on Mums Will Talk

“It’s tough motherhood, isn’t it?

It’s a bit of a mind f**k to feel lonely and crave being alone at the same time.

It’s more of a mind f**k to know that I had what society says is #lifegoals and I still wasn’t satisfied.

Why did I need counselling? Why did I need anti-depressants?

Because, when you become a mum, your life flips on its head. The world as you know it falls out through your arse (or more anatomically, your front bum) and you become the single most important thing to this vulnerable, needy little person. It’s relentless. It’s suffocating.

As everyone says “you must enjoy every moment”. Nobody tells you it’s ok to grieve your pre-baby freedom to shower whenever you want.

We have to talk openly about post-natal depression. We have to stop punishing ourselves for finding it tough. My inbox is always open.” An excerpt from Mum’s the Word 2 – out in May – @bookmumstheword

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