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Stepmothers I see you! | @thestepmumsclub on Mums Will Talk

“Stepmothers I see you!

In the same way the world see and praises Birth Mothers, Adoptive Mothers, Surrogate Mothers etc. Today I give you your flowers because like all the above we Stepmothers are good mothers too.

As a birth and stepmum I know what parts of my motherhood is celebrated and what parts are met with misunderstanding, judgement, confused praise such as “good on you for taking on his kids!” Like what does that even mean. I didn’t take on anyones kids, I’ve created a beautifully blended or even blending family with my love.

Moreover over it may be horribly blending and I should be allowed to say so too. Us birth mothers need to get to a place of embracing other mothering types fully. Giving freedom for a stepmum to ask how to wean her step baby, freedom to say I really do not like being a stepmum and I’m struggling.

The freedom to see ourselves in mother and baby magazines without a celebrity status. I’m hoping in 2021 more Stepmothers can boldly tell their truth without criticism and closed hearts. I hope more Stepmothers feel included and seen and supported too as one amazing community of superhuman women.

Stepmothers, this past year has been challenging for blended families beyond the norm right. Well done for handling cancelled transitions days, blended family drama, enjoying your family your way and rejecting the wicked stepmum narrative, the births of our babies and the news of 2021 babies.

Always here, Love your Stepfamily Coach Cilla Xx ” – @thestepmumsclub

#MumsWillTalk is is helping to get all mums stories heard, you can share your story here!


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